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19th Ame Wooden.jpeg
Civil War Defenses wooden.jpeg
Ford's Theatre badge wooden.jpeg
Fort Dupont1.jpeg
Fort Dupont2.jpeg
Lin 100.jpeg
Mary Mc.jpeg
Ma Mc Be Wo.jpeg
Mary birth.jpeg
National MallA4.jpeg
4th of july wooden.jpeg
Old post office tower.jpeg
President Park Inaugral.jpeg
Rock Creek Park wooden badge.jpeg
rock cre.jpeg

Resurrection City

The National Park Service marked the 50th anniversary of Resurrection City on Saturday May 12, 2018 with a symbolic reconstruction of the tent city that was erected on the National Mall in May 1968 to protest poverty.

T Roosevelt Island Sticker.jpeg
Navy Memorial.jpeg

Presendential Inauguration

President's Park badge2.jpeg
Prez Park wooden.jpeg
White House Easter Egg Roll, 2011, Sticker
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