Bon Secour
(251) 540-7720
C. 2-17-23, Nope.
Cahaba River
(256) 848-6833
Admin by Mount Longleaf.
(334) 687-4065
C. 2-17-23, Nope.
Fern Cave
(256) 353-7243
Admin by Wheeler
Key Cave
(256) 353-7243
Admin by Wheeler
Mountain Longleaf
(256) 848-6833 x0
C. 6-23-22. LM
Sauta Cave
(256) 353-7243
Admin by Wheeler
Watercress Darter
(256) 848-6833
Admin by Mount Longleaf.
(256) 350-6639 x3
C. 6-23-22.
Call back in Oct Clarissa McMann.
E. 1-20-24
Working on a program now.
E. in June 1s to
Windom Wet Man Dis
(507) 831-2220
1-28-24 E. windomwmd@fws.gov
Glacial Ridge
(218) 687-2229
C/O Rydell
Big Stone
(320) 273-2191
1-28-24 E. bigstone@fws.gov
1-29-24 R. No Program
(218) 449-4115
1-28-24. No email addy or FB page.
Need to call.
Big Stone
Wet Man Dis
(320) 273-2191
1-29-24 R. No Program
Crane Meadows
(320) 632-1575
1-28-24 E. cranemeadows@fws.gov
1-29-24 R. No Program
Detroit Lakes Wet Man Dis
(218) 847-4431
Hamden Slough
(218) 847-4431
1-28-24. No email addy or FB page
Mille Lacs
(218) 768-2402
C/O Rice Lake
Same email as Rice Lake
Wet Man Dis
(320) 693-2849
(507) 452-4232
Has several districts
La Crosse WI has a VC
(608) 326-0515
1-28-24 E. uppermississippiriver@fws.gov
Morris Wet Man Dis
(320) 589-1001 x
Has a VC
1-28-24 E. mead_klavetter@fws.gov
Minnesota Valley Wet Man Dis HQ &
Bloomington Edu & VC
(952) 854-5900 x0
Cd. 6-20-24 No program or jr ran item.
(763) 389-3323
Oak Savanna Learning Center
1-28-24 E. sherburne@fws.gov
1-30-24 R Still has the keychain..
(218) 847-2641
1-28-24 E. tamarac@fws.go
Minnesota Valley Wet Man Dis HQ &
Rapids Lake Edu and VC
(952) 854-5900
Cd. 6-20-24 No program or jr ran item.
(218) 687-2229
1-28-24 E. rydell@fws.gov
Rice Lake
(218) 768-2402
1-28-24 E. ricelake@fws.gov
1-29-24 R. No Program
Fergus Falls
Wet Man Dis
(218) 739-2291
Prairie Wetlands Learning Center
(218) 998-4480
E. 1-28-24 minnesotavalley@fws.gov
1-30-24 R. we no longer have the Junior Refuge Manager badges
Tallgrass Prairie
(320) 273-2191
C/O Big Stone
1-28-24 E. NorthernTallgrassPrairie@fws.gov
1-29-24 R. No Program
AC = Air Center
DO = District Office
GD = Gateway District
DC = Discovery Center
GC = Gateway Center
LRA = Lake Rec Area
MU = Magt Unit
NF = National Forest
NG = National Grassland
NSA = Nat Scenic Area
NVM = Nat Volcanic Mon
RD = Ranger District
RS = Ranger Station
VC = Visitor Center
WA = Wilderness Area
WS = Welcome Station
Red = No program
Green = Have the items.
Big Lake
(870) 564-2429
C. 6-23-23, Nope
Adm by Sacramento
(903) 786-2826
R. 12-2-23 - Wooden w/ 3 birds
Laguna Atascosa
(956) 748-3607
C. 11-14-23.
Same Round pin that I have.
(361) 349-1181
Lower Rio Grande Valley
(956) 784-7500
C. 11-14-23.
Attwater Prairie
(979) 234-3021
C. 11-27-23 No Program
Brazoria ^
(979) 964-4011 x0
2-19-24 No E. addy or FB page.
C. 11-27-23 No Program
Big Boggy ^
(979) 964-3639
(409) 267-3337
Neches River
(956) 245-9426
C. 11-27-27
Genrice badge.
(806) 946-3341
2-19-24. Emailed via webpage.
San Bernard ^
(979) 964-3639
C. 11-27-23 No Program
Buffalo Lake
(806) 499-3382
C. 11-27-23 No Program
Texas Point
(409) 971-2909
Under Lousianna
(903) 679-9143
2-19-24. Emailed via webpage.
(^) = managed as part of Texas Mid-Coast Refuge Complex National Wildlife Refuge Complex. (979) 964-4011 x0
Benton Lake
(406) 727-7400
6-23-23, Nope
Benton Lake Wet Man Dis
(406) 727-7400
C/O Benton Lake
Black Coulee
(406) 654-2863
C/O Bowdoin
No Program
(406) 654-2863
No Program
C. 3-2-23
Charles M. Russell
(406) 538-8706
Fort Peck Interp Center
(406) 526-3493
They give out the NPS Lewis and Clark Badge.
C. 3-2-23
Creedman Coulee
(406) 654-2863
No Program
Grass Lake
(formerly Halfbreed)
(406) 538-8706
C/O Charles M. Russell
No Program
(406) 538-8706
C/O Charles M. Russel
No Program
(406) 654-2863
C/O Bowdoin
No Program
Lake Mason
(406) 538-8706 C/O Charles M. Russell
No Program
Lake Thibadeau
(406) 654-2863
C/O Bowdoin
No Program
Lee Metcalf
(406) 777-5552 x0
E. 2-1-24
Lost Trail
(406) 885-8598
Has a VC
E. 2-1-24
Medicine Lake
(406) 789-2305 x2
6-23-23, Nope, but sent me a rubber duck
(406) 750-8242
6-23-23, Nope
Northwest Montana Wet Man Dis
(406) 750-8242
(406) 750-8242
E. 2-1-24
Red Rock Lakes(406) 276-3536
6-23-23, Nope
Swan River
(406) 750-8242
(406) 564-9890
UL Bend
(406) 538-8706
C/O Charles M. Russell
No Program
War Horse
(406) 538-8706
C/O Charles M. Russel
No Program
(701) 442-5474
(701) 285-3341
Has a VC
R. 2-20-24
Don't have a program.
Limited-interest NWR
Appert Lake
Limited-interest NWR
Wet Man Dis
(701) 442-5474
C/O Audubon
Bone Hill Creek
Limited-interest NWR
Limited-interest NWR
Chase Lake
Wet Man Dis
(701) 752-4218
Cottonwood Lake
Limited-interest NWR
(701) 387-4397
C/O Long Lake National Wildlife Refuge
Limited-interest NWR
Dakota Lake
Limited-interest NWR
Canfield Lake
Limited-interest NWR
Camp Lake
Limited-interest NWR
Buffalo Lake
Limited-interest NWR
Wet Man Dis
Limited-interest NWR
Hobart Lake
Limited-interest NWR
Half-Way Lake
Limited-interest NWR
Des Lacs
(701) 385-4046
2-18-24. No email addy or FB page.
Devils Lake
Wet Mana Dis
701) 662-8611
Lake Zahl
(701) 965-6488
C/O Crosby Wet Mana Dis
Lake Ilo
(701) 442-5474
Lake Alice
(701) 662-8611
E. 2-19-24
J. Clark Salyer
(701) 768-2548
R. 2-20-24
Don't have a program.
Lake Nettie
(701) 442-5474
Limited-interest NWR
Johnson Lake
Limited-interest NWR
Kellys Slough
(701) 662-8611
C/O Devils Lake
J. Clark Salyer
Wet Man Dis
C/O J. Clark Salyer
Wet Man Dis
(701) 647-2866
Lake Patricia
Limited-interest NWR
Lake Otis
Limited-interest NWR
Lake George
Limited-interest NWR
Lambs Lake
Limited-interest NWR
(701) 442-5474
C/O Audubon
Long Lake
(701) 387-4397
R. 3-1-24
Don't have a program.
Maple River
Limited-interest NWR
Pleasant Lake
Limited-interest NWR
Shell Lake
(701) 848-2722
C/O Lostwood Wetland Management District
(701) 387-4397
C/O Long Lake
(701) 848-2722
Lost Lake
Limited-interest NWR
Lords Lake
Limited-interest NWR
Little Goose
Limited-interest NWR
Long Lake
Wet Man Dis
(701) 387-4397
C/O Long Lake
School Section
Limited-interest NWR
Sibley Lake
Limited-interest NWR
Rose Lake
Limited-interest NWR
Rock Lake
Limited-interest NWR
Pretty Rock
Limited-interest NWR
Rabb Lake
Limited-interest NWR
Wet Man Dis
(701) 848-2722
Limited-interest NWR
Snyder Lake
Limited-interest NWR
Silver Lake
Limited-interest NWR
Stump Lake
(701) 662-8611
C/O Devils Lake
Upper Souris
(701) 468-5467
2-19-24 No E. addy or FB page.
White Lake
C/O Audubon
White Horse
Nat. Game Pres
(701) 766-4272
Has a VC
R. 2-24-24 Does Not have a program.
Wild Rice Lake
(218) 768-2402
E. 2-19-24
Willow Lake
Limited-interest NWR
(701) 724-3598
E. 2-19-24
Stewart Lake
(701) 442-5474
C/O Audubon
Stoney Slough
(701) 845-3466
C/O Valley City Wet Man Dis
Storm Lake
Limited-interest NWR
Limited-interest NWR
Sunburst Lake
Limited-interest NWR
Valley City
(701) 845-3466
R. 2-20-24
No program or badge.
Wintering River
Limited-interest NWR
Wood Lake
Limited-interest NWR
Alaska Maritime
(907) 235-6546
1-20-24 E. & IM on FB
1-23-24 Give out the Jr. Biologist patch.
Alaska Peninsula
(907) 246 3339
1-20-24 E. & Sarah Lang
(405) 658-6809
1-20-24 E. & IM on FB
R. 1-28-24 No program at this time
(907) 524-3251
Aff w/ Koyukuk & Nowitna
R. 2-21-24 Nothing new
(907) 532-2445
1-20-24 E.
(907) 262-7021
1-20-24 E. & IM on FB to Matt Conner.
1-21-24 Have tons of plastic left
(907) 442-3799
1-20-24 E. & IM on FB to brittany_sweeney@fws.gov
1-22-24 - Same plastic
(907) 883-5312
1-20-24 E. & IM on FB to tetlin@fws.gov. Com via FB
R. 2-17-24. wooden
(907) 842-1063
1-20-24 E. Terry Fuller
2-25-24 We still have the plastic badges.
Yukon Delta
(907) 543-3151
1-20-24 IM on FB & E. to yukondelta@fws.gov
Yukon Flats
907 456-0440
907 456 0407
1-20-24 E. yukonflats@fws.gov
R. 1-23-24 No program anymore or badges.
(928) 857-3253
C. 2-17-23, Nope.
1-20-24 E. jeremy_welch@fws.gov
Cabeza Prieta
(520) 387-6483
Bill Williams
(928) 667-4144
C. 2-17-23, Nope.
1-20-24 IM on FB to of
Buenos Aires
(520) 823-4251
C. 2-17-23, Nope.
(928) 783-3371 x0
C. 6-23-23, Nope
Working on one call back in 25
1-20-24 IM on FB. No email addy
(928) 783-7861
C. 6-23-22, Nope
1-20-24 IM on FB. No email addy
C. 1-22-24, Nope.
Leslie Canyon
(520) 364-2104
Aff w/ San Bernardino
San Bernardino
(520) 364-2104
Bald Knob
(501) 724-2458
C. 6-23-23, Nope
1-20-24 E. paul_provence@fws.gov
(870) 343-2595
C. 6-23-23, Nope
1-20-24 IM on FB & E. to steven_rimer@fws.gov
Cache River
(501) 203-7253
C. 6-23-23, Nope
1-20-24 E. to cacheriver@fws.gov
(870) 364-3167
Booklet completed.
Aff w/ Overflow & Pond Creek
C. 6-23-23, Nope
1-20-24 E. to felsenthal@fws.gov
Holla Bend
(479) 229-4300
1-20-24 IM on FB & E. to hollabend@fws.gov
1-21-24 Nope
Logan Cave
(479) 229-4300
C. 6-23-23, Nope
Aff w/ Hola Bend
(870) 473-2869
Aff w/ Felsenthal & Pond Creek
Pond Creek
(870) 289-2126
Aff w/ Felsenthal & Overflow
1-20-24 No FB or email addy.
Dale Bumpers White River
(870) 282-8200
C. 6-23-23 Same plastic
1-20-24 E. to Whiteriver@fws.gov
C. 1-22-24 Same plastic
Antioch Dunes
(510) 377-9229
C 3-2-23 left a message
1-20-24 No E. addy or FB page.
Bitter Creek
(805) 644-5185
Adm by Hopper Mou
Blue Ridge
(805) 644-5185
Adm by Hopper Mou
Butte Sink
Adm by Sacramento
Clear Lake
(530) 667-2231
Admin by Klamath Basin
Coachella Valley
(760) 348-5278
Adm by Sonny Bono
C. 3-2-23. No Program
Adm by Sacramento
Don Edwards San Francisco Bay
Adm by San Fran Bay
1-20-24 E. to sfbaynwrc@fws.gov
Ellicott Slough
(510) 792-0222
Adm by San Fran Bay
Farallon Islands
Adm by San Fran Bay
Grasslands Wildlife
(209) 826-3508
Adm by San Luis
Guadalupe-Nipomo Dunes
(805) 644-5185
Adm by Hopper Mou
Humboldt Bay
(707) 733-5406
1-20-24 E. to hoppermountain@fws.gov, kevin_soto@fws.gov
R. 1-25-24 Still plastic
(661) 477-7028
Nick Stanly
Miguel Himenaz
1-20-24 E. to miguel_jimenez@fws.gov
Res. 1-23-24 via E. No badges left.
Marin Islands
(510) 377-9229
Adm by San Pablo Bay
(209) 826-3508
Adm by San Luis
(530) 233-3572
C. 8-21-23
Nothing new.
1-20-24 IM on FB & E. to michael_j_hinton@fws.gov
Steve Thompson North Central Valley
Adm by Sacramento
(661) 725-2767
Aff w/ Kern
C. 8-21-23
Nothing new.
1-20-24 IM on FB & E. to sacramentovalleyrefuges@fws.gov
Sacramento River
Adm by Sacramento
C. 8-21-23
Nothing new.
Salinas River
(510) 792-0222
Adm by San Fran Bay
San Diego Bay
(619) 221-3473
Aff w/ San Diego, Seal Beach, San & Tijuana Slough
1-20-24 IM on FB & E. to Nancy_Fernandez@fws.gov
San Diego
(619) 385-1190
San Diego manages Seal Beach, San Diego Bay & Tijuana Slough
Dwayne Binns
C. 9-7-23, Nope
1-24-24, Nope com via e. nancy_fernandez@fws.gov
San Joaquin River
(209) 826-3508
Adm by San Luis
San Luis
(209) 826-3508 x127
C. 8-26-23, Nope
1-20-24 C. Working on a program now call June 1st 24
San Pablo
(510) 377-9229
1-20-24 E. to melisa_amato@fws.gov
Seal Beach
(562) 598-1024
Aff w/ San Diego, San Diego Bay San & Tijuana Slough
Sonny Bono Salton Sea
(760) 348-5278
C. 3-2-23. No Program
1-20-24 E. to Jonathan_Shore@fws.gov
Stone Lakes
(916) 775-4421
1-20-24 E. to stonelakes@fws.gov
Adm by Sacramento
Tijuana Slough
(619) 575-2704
Aff w/ San Diego, San Diego Bay, & Seal Beach
Tule Lake
(530) 667-2231
Admin by Klamath Basin
Willow Creek-Lurline
(530) 934-2801
Adm by Sacramento
6-1-22 Sent booklet and sse to Emi Fogg.
Franz Lake
(360) 887-4106
12-19-23, nope
Grays Harbor
(360) 753-9046
Julia Butler Hansen Refuge for the Columbian White-Tailed Deer
(360) 795-3915 x1
E. 2-19-24
(360) 887-4106
12-19-23, nope
Steigerwald Lake
(360) 887-4106
12-19-23, nope
Hanford Reach National Monument ^^^
(509) 546-8300
6-23-23, Nope
Monument Office
(509) 546-8300
R. 2-20-24 Don't have a program.
Quillayute Needles^
(360) 457-8451 x0
E. 2-19-24
(360) 457-8451 x0
fw1wamaritime@fws.govE. 2-19-24
(360) 887-4106
12-19-23, nope
(509) 235-4723 x0
R. 3-5-24
Still has the plastic
(^) = Refuge is a part of the Washington Maritime National Wildlife Refuge Complex.
(^^) = Refuge is a part of the Mid-Columbia River NWRC (509) 546-8300
R. 2-20-24Don't have a program.
719 480 9151 x 10 Sharon
Admin by San Luis Valley
1-20-24 E. to ty_benally@fws.go
Res. 1-22-24 No badge or program.
C 8-11-22 Talked to Allison Stewart
Monte Vista
(719) 589-4021
Admin by San Luis Valley
(719) 589-4021
Admin by San Luis Valley
1-20-24 IM on FB & E. to alamosa@fws.gov
Rocky Flats
(303) 289-0232
(303) 729 2252 for Ranger Isis
No badge specific
Admin by Rocky Mount Aresnal
Two Ponds
(303) 289-0232
Admin by Rocky Mount Arsenal
1-20-24 E. to seth_beres@fws.gov
Browns Park
(970) 365-3613
1-20-24 E. to brownspark@fws.gov
(970) 7 23-8202
C. 6-1-23, Nope
1-20-24 E. to arapaho@fws.gov
These refuges combine are the complex; Alamosa, Monte Vista, and Baca
E. 8-21-23
Archie Carr
(772) 581-5557
Cedar Keys
(352) 493-0238
Admin by Lower Suwannee
Gives out the Lower Suwanne wooden.
Crocodile Lake
(305) 451-4223
1-20-24 E. to crocodilelake@fws.gov
Chassahowitzka (352) 563-2088
Admin by Crystal River NWR Complex
(239) 472-1100
Admin by J.N. Ding Darling
J. N. "Ding" Darling
Crystal River
(352) 563-2088
1-20-24 E. to crystalriver@fws.gov
Egmont Key State Park & NWR
(352) 563-2088
C/O Crystal River
Everglades Headwaters
(772) 581-5557
1-20-24 E. to evergladesheadwaters@fws.gov
Florida Panther
(239) 657-8001
1-20-24 E. to
Re 1-25-24 No program or badge.
Passage Key
(352) 563-2088
C/O Crystal River
Pelican Island
(772) 581-5557
1-20-24 IM on FB
Lower Suwannee
(352) 493-0238
Lake Woodruff
(386) 985-4673
1-21-24 Had no more plastic badges.
Key West
(305) 872-0774
C/O National Key Deer
Lake Wales Ridge
(772) 581-5557
1-20-24 E. to lakewalesridge@fws.gov
National Key Deer/ Florida Keys
(305) 872-0774
1-20-24 E. to keydeer@fws.gov
Island Bay
(239) 472-1100
C/O J.N. Ding Darling
Hobe Sound
(772) 546-6141
Great White Heron
(305) 872-0774
Aff w/ Nat Key Deer
Merritt Island
(321) 861-0667
E. 1-20-24
Re 1-26-24 Still plastic badge.
Matlacha Pass
(239) 472-1100
C/O J.N. Ding Darling
Ten Thousand Islands
(239) 657-8001
C/O Florida Panther
St. Vincent
(850) 653-8808
1-20-24 E. to saintvincent@fws.gov
St. Marks
(850) 925-6121
Rd 6-20-24
(352) 563-2088
C/O Crystal River
Pine Island
(239) 472-1100
C/O J.N. Ding Darling
St. Johns
(321) 861-0667
C/O Merritt Island
Harris Neck^
(843) 784-2468 x0
Part of the Savannah Coastal Refuges Complex
1-23-24, Amy said via e. that the program has to be done on site.